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Kelly Hosch Photography | Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer » Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer

Before and After | Belton Texas Photographer

I hear all the time… “Man, your camera takes good pics”, “What camera do you use”, or “I need a camera like that, so I can take good pics too”, etc…

I can’t stress enough that a camera doesn’t make the photographer… the photographer makes the photographer.  Just like a pan doesn’t make a good chef, the chef makes the chef.  We both have a personalized form of art that is made by the person and not the equipment.  So my answer to above questions is to just rock what you’ve got.  🙂

The below pic is of my friend Jess from Follow Her Arrow (I’m using her as an example because I know she won’t mind, LOL)…  but the left is Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC) before any editing…. just a plain ole regular pic.  But the right was after I played with it in photoshop with my “secret recipe”, LOL.  It’s actually a simple edit… (I mean come on, she’s a cutie already!)…. but you can see how the color is popped, a few distracting details removed, highlights brought back to normal levels and slightly cropped in.
follow_her_arrowHope y’all enjoyed this B&A!

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