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Kelly Hosch Photography | Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer » Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer

I got to hang out with my ole gorgeous college rommie…. and her adorable family.  Mr. Cuartro (Sammie IV) is such his Daddy’s Mini-Me…. and just all smiles.  His 1st Christmas is going to be so much fun this year!


There are some of the sweetest, happiest, and cutest kids ever….. they always have the best smiles that just suck you in.  Oh I love them!  I hope Mr. Maddox has a great 1st Christmas!

See Maddox’s 3-Month Session HERE.

This is such a sweet family that loves to share the hugs!  The amazing big sister makes her own necklaces to help in raising money for her brother’s PMD foundation.  Everyone should check her out and fill a stocking with a necklace!

One lucky Momma… with 2 special guys!  Merry Christmas!  XOXO

Aren’t these some contagious smiles???  This Mom & Daughter duo are some fun to hang out with!  Love them!