Kelly Hosch Photography | Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer » Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer

Tag Archives: Temple Texas Photographer

For most weddings I have my Brides fill out forms and answer tons of questions about their Big Day…. but occasionally I have a very sweet Bride that pops up, makes me feel honored, and includes me like a guest…. and it makes me, the photographer, feel so special!  Ashley is one of those…. she has sent me her Save-the-Date magnet that she made (with one of my images from their e-session), and her Wedding Invitation.  Love them both!  Thanks Ashley & Josh for including me in more than just your Big Day! 

(Information blurred for couple’s privacy.)



Lately my favorite new “prop” has been my awesome new wood flooring & wall.  I’ve been wanting a real wood “stage” built for a long time so that I have the option for some rich wood color in some images.  I was introduced to Todd and was told that he’s an amazing handyman…. they weren’t lying… he rocks!  I was able to tell him the details of what I wanted and in just a couple of days it was at my door…. and it turned out FABULOUS!  So… if any of you are also wanting a “photography stage” built… or have any other projects in mind…. Todd is your man!  Thanks Todd… you rock! 

(Todd’s info is in the last pic.)


Grant surprised everyone and said hello to the world a little early, so we weren’t able to capture newborn shots like we had hoped for originally… and I’ve been itching to shoot this ball of cuteness ever since.  He is now almost 5 months old and just gets cuter every time I see him.  I’m so glad that we were able to grab a few quick shots on their last visit to Temple.  Even though it was a crazy overcast day (which I normally hate to shoot in), we got lucky and scored some great shots.  Hope to see y’all again soon! 

 If you’re family, please feel free to purchase your own prints from my password protected shopping cart here.


This has been such a weird year for weather (even for Texas) and I never thought we’d get snow…. but we did.  For about 15 minutes!  LOL!  I was lucky enough to be home (editing pics like a mad woman), so we ran outside and tried to catch a few flakes.  I hope some of you were able to enjoy it too! 

I was absolutely flattered and excited when I met this couple.  They came to me a couple of months ago wanting to book me for their wedding and all they said was that they wanted me and wanted it in July and would set the date for when I was available.  I FELT SO FLATTERED & LOVED!!!  We met up for their e-session and they were so fun to shoot!  Jessica loves the bling….. and Cody loves Jessica (he’s a forehead kisser)!  LOL!  They are absolutely adorable and I’m so excited to share in the Big Day as I know it will be a blast and completely gorgeous!  Congrats C+J!

If you are family or a friend, please feel free to purchase your own prints from my shopping cart here.

Leave some love for the couple below!