Kelly Hosch Photography | Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer » Temple, Belton, Salado , Waco, Georgetown, Round Rock Texas, Newborn, Portrait, Wedding, Photographer

Tag Archives: Temple TX Wedding Photographer

Well… as the saying goes “In Texas we have 2 two seasons… Summer & Winter… and usually within the same day!”….. and no joke!  Last week it was gloomy weather, but these last few days is been a GORGEOUS sunny 60 degrees and cool nights… and we are enjoying every minute before the true Texas starts creeping in in the next month or so!

Be sure to head over and check out the other Pieces Of Us adventures!

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Whoop!  I love my Aggie weddings…. and even more when I know the fabulous couple!!!  I met Erin & Landon thru my awesome sister-in-law and quickly became friends… you can’t help but love them.   When I got the news that Landon popped the question, I was so excited for them and their future.  They got married at the amazingly gorgeous Classic Oaks Ranch just outside of Mansfield TX.  This place is a picture dream…. gorgeous fields, the most perfect ceremony gazebo, and an incredible reception “barn” hall with an amazing fireplace.  And my favorite thing ever… marquee lights!  I can’t stress enough how much “fun lighting” adds to the feel of the reception and to pictures… I wish marquee lights were at every wedding!!!  I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Erin & Landon… I know it’ll be bright!  Congrats you guys, love y’all!  XOXO


Also check out their Engagement Session HERE.

Leave the couple some love and well wishes below!  🙂

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The other day I was listening to a Christmas Station on Pandora and the song “These are a few of my favorite things” came on…. and it got me to thinking on fun blog posts.  So here ya go…. a few of my favorite things from my Personal Life and my Photography Life (I guess they kinda intertwine, lol).

A Few Favorite (Personal) Things…

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1.  Starbucks – DUH!!!
2.  Cheap Black Sunglass – Anyone that knows me, knows they are on my head 24/7!
3.  iPhone 6 Plus – Early Christmas Present and it was instant love!
4.  PicTapGo App – Yes, I still “edit” cell phone pics, lol.
5.  Golden Girls – They never get old… I can watch over and over and over…
6.  B&BW Endless Weekend – Favorite Scent and I can never have too much!
7.  HashtagCube – I’m an Instagram junkie, so why not?!?!  {No long compatible with Instagram}
8.  Perplexus Ball – Seriously Addicting!
9.  Cards Against Humanity – Seriously the most histaerical deranged fun you’ll have with friends!
10.  Blurb Books – Perfect way to print your Instagrams!
11.  Herbal Neck Wrap – The best prescription for working late nights!  {From Woodhouse Day Spa}


A Few Favorite (Photography) Things…

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1.  27″ iMac – The BEST editing machine everrrrrr….
2.  Nikon D700 – My baby and my work horse!  {Updated now to D750!}
3.  MOD Strap – Soft & Squishy for wearing for long times!
4.  Lexar Workflow Card Reader – I will never go back to a single card reader!!!
5.  2TB WD My Passport – To Store and Back-Up all your fabulous smiles!
6.  LensPen – Gotta keep that glass sparkling!
7.  SanDisk Extreme Pro – Can never have too many!
8.  Kelly Moore Bag – Not my Session Bag, but what I take to look cute on the town!
9.  Erin Condren Planner – It’s my brain!!!  I can’t function without it!
10.  Starbucks – LOL, DUH!!!


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A couple weeks ago I got to shoot my dear friend Savannah’s family.  We went out to her Grandpas’ land (which is absolutely gorgeous) in Salado, Texas where there is beautiful trees, fluffy grass, and the stunning Fall light was to die for!  Her lil guy is so stink’n cute and LOVES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… and it we wanted to quick easy smile from him, his Daddy would turn on the TMNT theme song… I adored watching him bounce up and down dancing to it!  This is going to be such a fun Christmas for them this year!

Be sure to also check out the huge extended family session we did last year HERE!  🙂


Book your session HERE and keep up with the latest on FACEBOOK!

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This couple is amazing… not only are they gorgeous, but they both glow when they look at each other…. I felt like I was watching chick flush movie (you know… the kind with a cheesy happy ending that just makes you smile)… yup, I smiled the whole session watching them!  They are both very outdoors-y, so we went out to her dad’s land and roamed around.  It’s a gorgeous place… and check out that view at the end!  I can’t wait for their wedding in June… Congrats you guys!


Book your session or wedding too… and keep up with the latest on Facebook!

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