Meredith is one of the most stunning & sweetest Brides that I’ve had the joy in working with…. not only that, but she was such an amazing trooper! We went to Waco Texas to the Carleen Bright Arboretum for her Bridal Session. With her wedding being in early March and with Texas having one of the coldest winters ever.. we had to brave it. That evening was in the high 20?s/low 30?s (I can’t really remember)…. and this trooper was FROZEN! I felt like I was photographing Elsa or Anna…. as I kept singing in my head the whole session, “Do you wanna build a snowman?”, LOL. But I left my car running with the heater blasting on high for her to hop in periodically and we snuggled her up in a blanket between shots…. and she did amazing… and we ended up with some fabulous images! Ohhh I just love girl!
Her wedding was yesterday at Cathedral Oaks in Belton Texas and it was just as stunning as she is with every detail thought of! Not only was it a beautiful ceremony… but one of the funniest too! You can take a sneak peek HERE & HERE…. but stay tuned as I hope to share all of her wedding details soon!
Also…. don’t forget to check out their Engagement Session too! 🙂

Feel free to share your blessing & well wishes for her below! 🙂